10 Foods That Contain Starch
starch drying machine
Here are 10 foods that contain starch. Why is starch important to know which foods are high in starch? Limiting starchy foods can reduce inflammation and eliminate IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), and many starchy foods can feed worms and parasites. Learning about the foods that contain starch just may save your life and ease your pain.
Flour. There are many type of flours, and all are starchy foods. This list includes corn meal, which is considered a flour. Most of the time corn meal is mixed with white flour when making corn bread. All flours and grains feed both IBS and parasites. Parasites love sugar and grains.
Rice. All rice is high in starches, especially white rice. Basmati is one of the best rices to use when limiting starchy food. Surprisingly, brown rice has almost as much starch as white flour in its raw state.
Pasta. Pasta is very similar to rice when comparing starch content. Spaghetti, macaroni and other pastas should be limited to no more than 1/3 cup of raw pasta per meal. An alternative pasta is whole wheat pasta or spinach pasta. The new interest in the market is the tri-color pasta. Read your ingredients to make sure you are getting only the purest of ingredients.
Cereals. Cereals should be your next consideration of starchy foods. They not only have lots of starch, but also tons of sugar. Don’t forget that cooked cereals and grains are full of starch such as oatmeal, bulgur, barley and couscous. Wheat based cereals are full of starch and should be limited when you are trying to avoid and eliminate flatulence.
Bread. Many diabetic diets limit starches, including breads. Some things to keep in mind are that a serving of bread would equal one slice of toast, 1/2 of an English muffin and 1/4 of a bagel. If you have some reduced calorie bread which is sliced very thin, then you can have two slices. Most diets that are reducing starches will ask you to eat bread twice a week only.
Crackers. Crackers could be considered bread, but for this article we have split them up. Some of the crackers to limit are saltine crackers, graham crackers and of course animal crackers. One serving of crackers would equal eight animal crackers, three graham crackers and six small saltine crackers.
Vegetables. Starchy vegetables include corn, potatoes, parsnips, squash and pumpkin. Let’s not forget about yams or sweet potatoes, as some call them. Many doctors do not want you to eat corn, as the seed itself is known to have toxins. If the seed is toxic, so is the corn on the cob.
Beans. Beans are included in the starchy food groups and those beans include garbanzo, pinto, navy, lima, red and white. Limit lentils, peas and refried beans.
Pizza. What would life be without pizza? If you look at the starch content in pizza, you may reconsider. First, think about the crust itself, which is full of flour, salt, yeast and milk. All these items are high in starch. When you add cheese, veggies and meats, you are looking at “inflammation problems” and a playground for many parasites. As in all things, limit your starchy foods to have a healthy diet.
Chestnuts. Chestnuts are also very high in starch and should be limited. Buying chestnuts packed in cans should be avoided, as they may contain more salt and preservatives. A real easy way to prepare chestnuts is by roasting them in the oven. Make small slits in the shell and bake on low heat until they pop. Eating one or two is enough when trying to avoid and limit foods containing starch.
NEXT:Potato starch uses
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