Potato starch
Potato starch is widely used to prepare noodles, potato fries, soups, hot dog, sauces, bakery products, etc. Not only this, the uses of potato starch extend beyond the kitchen as well! It is used in manufacturing adhesives used in textile and paper industries. An interesting erstwhile use of potato starch was in the process of developing photographic prints, pioneered by the Lumiere brothers. So, now that we are aware of its many uses, let us try to understand how beneficial this really is, and for that we need to know about its nutritional value.
Potato starch is pure carbohydrate and has negligible amounts of dietary fibers, fats and proteins. In addition to this, it helps to know that every 100 g of potato starch gives you 1505 kJ of energy, which means that it is high in energy content. However, it is free from cholesterol and this makes it a healthy choice for breads and baked products. Some people tend to get confused between potato starch and potato flour, and think that both are the same. However, this is not true because potato starch is obtained from the starch cells present inside the potato tuber, while potato flour is obtained by drying the potato and then grinding it. The distinct smell of potato that is present in potato flour, distinguishes it from the starch. Also, potato flour is heavier than potato starch. Starch and flour made from potato is preferred by people who are allergic to gluten, a protein found in wheat and wheat flour.
Potato starch has been proven to be a good raw material for manufacturing eco-friendly products as well. Along with materials such as cornstarch and paper, it is being used to manufacture "bioplastic", a plastic-like substance which used to make bags, cutlery and a host of other useful products. So, you see that even if it is not rich in nutrients, this versatile commodity is a favorite for its many and varied uses.
Our company is supply the complete set potato starch processing plant . If you want to produce potato starch the fresh potato , please contact with us freely .